
What Do People In America Spend Money On

my money wizard go figure

Back when humans used to still read concrete magazines, I kept a subscription to Sports Illustrated. I'm pretty sure I bought it because a neighbor'south soccer team was running a fundraiser, and I but felt too guilty to say no.

Hey, at least a magazine subscription is healthier for me than the boxes upon boxes of girl lookout cookies I inevitably end up buying every year.

I always skimmed through about of the magazine, merely the one section I could never get enough of was the weekly "Become Figure" column. The column wasn't then much an article as it was a short drove of the nearly interesting, wacky, and head-scratching stats the mag's researchers could observe.

For your reading enjoyment, I've shamelessly stolen the idea. Since My Coin Magician isn't exactly a sporting website, our focus will exist a picayune more personal finance oriented.

Here's to a new tradition!

Go Effigy: American Spending

$69,629 Average pre-tax household income in America final year.

iv.7  Percent of income the average American saves per twelvemonth.

21.iii  Years it takes to relieve just ane year's worth of living expenses, given the above savings charge per unit.

$ii,000 Amount of money which only 1/three of Americans felt certain they could come up with for an unexpected need.

76 Pct of Americans who admit to living paycheck to paycheck.

40  Percent of households who feel they "take too much debt right now," according to a 2012 survey of over 25,000 households.

$279,002 Dollars of interest the average consumer will spend over their lifetime.

$70.2 billion Amount Americans spent buying lottery tickets terminal year.

$63 billion  Total corporeality Americans spent final year on Sports Tickets, Books, Video Games, Movie Tickets, and Music… combined.

Sources: 1 2 3 4 five 6 seven

This plainly paints a pretty grim picture of the finances in this country. And bluntly, the first stat makes the rest even worse. You'd hope to run across people take responsibility for this disaster, merely apparently most are looking to the lottery to save themselves from their woes.

Thankfully, if you're reading this your state of affairs probably looks pretty different from the in a higher place moving-picture show, or you're speedily learning how to turn things effectually.

We don't need to expect to the lottery, because we're in it for the long game. The corking irony of it all, of form, is that the long game will make you richer far quicker than the brusque ane.


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