
how to find something you lost

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Everyone misplaces things from time to time, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating when it happens to you. Berating yourself for losing track of an item and wasting time with haphazard searches are normal responses, but they won't help you get any closer to recovering the lost item. Stay calm, review your actions, and do systematic, thorough searches in the places you think the item might be to find it as soon as possible.

  1. 1

    Check in the messiest parts of your house or area. Studies have actually shown something you might've already guessed: that lost objects tend to get misplaced in the most cluttered areas of your home or workplace. Search this messy area systematically, shifting objects one at a time and placing them off to the side to look for your item[1] .

    Tip: Go slowly and carefully. Making the clutter worse will just make it harder for you to find your missing object. Designate an clean area to place every item you're searching so it doesn't get mixed in with things that haven't been checked yet.

  2. 2

    Look under and around larger items. You might accidentally stack bigger objects on top of smaller objects, often without even realizing what you're covering up. Move objects off of surfaces and check under them thoroughly to make sure your item isn't caught underneath.

    • For example, you might have set a stack of papers over your phone, or tossed your keys near some jewelry that camouflages them perfectly.

    Looking in Small Spaces

    In the car: make sure to check the floor mats, under the seats, in the trunk, and in the space between the center console and the seats. You might even want to look on the roof; it can be easy to throw sunglasses, a drink, or even a phone up there and forget about it.

    In a living room area: Look between sofa cushions or beneath couches and chairs. If you like to sprawl out, the item may have fallen out and gotten stuck.

    Tip: Think about how big the item is and where it could fit without you realizing. Don't forget to check beneath cabinets, on crowded shelves, and on the floor.


  3. 3

    Check in small spaces to make sure the item hasn't fallen or gotten stuck. You'll often recover lost objects in the car, wedged into a sofa, or dropped in a corner on the floor. Narrow the recovery zone down to the most likely places—the last place you remember having the object, and anywhere you may have taken it since—and look in every nook and cranny there.[2]

  4. 4

    Look in places where you've lost this object before. Do you tend to lose track of this object often? If so, it might be in the same place that it turned up last time. Think about where it tends to gravitate towards and check that area thoroughly. You can also check areas where you tend to lose items that of similar size, shape, or use.[3]

    • For example, you may leave your keys in the lock, find your glasses on your head, or forget your computer bag in your car.
    • If you've lost your sunglasses, for example, think about where your normal glasses tend to be, especially when you think you've lost them.
  5. 5

    Check lost and found areas. If you lost the item outside the home, you might ask the facilities where you've been that day whether they have a lost and found bin. Your item may have gotten turned in, and could be waiting for you to claim it there.

    • Places with lost and found areas include schools and event areas like stadiums, concerts, and theaters.


  1. 1

    Stay calm and tell yourself that you'll find it. It can be easy to panic or jump to conclusions when you lose something, especially if it's important. Instead of panicking or running around and looking everywhere, sit down for a moment in a calm, comfortable place and focus on getting a hold of your thoughts. Refocusing will get you in the right frame of mind to think logically and search for the object in the most efficient way[4] .

    Staying Relaxed and Calm

    Take deep breaths and clear your mind of any panicky thoughts.

    Think of something that calms your anxiety, like a beautiful landscape, a place where you feel comfortable, or a happy memory.

    Don't let negativity sap your motivation to search. Instead of thinking, "It's lost forever," tell yourself, "It's around here and I will find it."

  2. 2

    Close your eyes and try to remember the moment you misplaced the object. Form a mental image of the moment when you last saw the object. What were you doing or feeling? Add as many details as you can, even if they seem superfluous. Making your memory as rich as possible will help you access details that might be the key to the item's location.[5]

    • Remember, you were there when you misplaced the object. You have a memory of its location, even if it's faint. Stay calm, close your eyes, and think back.
  3. 3

    Re-check the area where it's supposed to be and its immediate vicinity. If there's a place where you usually put your missing object, check there first—even if you're sure it's not there. You might have forgotten that you put it back, or someone else may have done it for you. Then, check in the area right around that place, just in case the item fell or shifted slightly out of view.[6]

    • For example, your coat may have fallen off the hook that you always place it on, or your keys might be in the drawer beneath the counter you usually set them on.
    • Objects might seem to migrate around the house, but they'll often be no farther than 18 inches (46 cm) from where they're supposed to be.[7]
    • Even if you don't think the object is here, search this area thoroughly. Lift up items and check in cracks and corners to make sure you don't miss any possible hiding spot.
  4. 4

    Look in the place where you last used the object. If the item isn't in the place where it's supposed to be, refer to your reconstructed memory of the last moment you used it. Go to that spot and search thoroughly once again, looking in the area just around it as well.[8]

    • If the item isn't there, close your eyes and try to remember if you might have set it down for a moment or carried it somewhere else after you finished using it.
    • For example, you might remember using your phone in the kitchen while you were making dinner, but it's not there when you check. Ask yourself if you remember carrying it to the table before you started to eat, or if you set it next to the sink and forgot about it.
  5. 5

    Make sure you're not looking right at it. People tend to become blind to familiar surroundings and miss key details, especially with the anxious frame of mind that comes with losing something. Go back and look in the place where you first started and try to get a new angle. Seeing things from a different point of view can help you notice details that you passed over the first time.[9]

    • If you were sitting down, stand up, move to the side, or even crouch down while looking for your item.
  6. 6

    Ask for help from friends or bystanders. It's possible that someone grabbed your object by mistake, or accidentally put it in the wrong place. Politely ask other people in the area, such as co-workers, roommates or family members, if they know where the item has gotten to, or if they've seen it recently.[10]

    • For example, you could say, "Hey, I'm looking for my keys. Have you seen them around here, by any chance?"
    • If you lost the item outside your home, it's possible that it's been stolen, but unlikely. The chances are that you've just misplaced it, so don't give up!
  7. 7

    Call the last place you had the item if it was lost outside your home. Review every place you've been to today and think of the last place you remember having the item. Call them and ask to see if it's been turned in or found. If not, call the other places you were at. If nothing turns up from calling, revisit each place in person. Carefully retrace your steps there and look for the item.[11]

    • Before you start making calls or racing back to other places, search your immediate surroundings as carefully as you can. You don't want to run back to your work only to find that your wallet was in the car the whole time.


  1. 1

    Make objects stand out so you won't lose them as easily. If you have a tendency to lose important objects, make them bigger, more obvious, or more eye-catching. This will make them harder to lose, and easier to find if you do misplace them.[12]

    • For example, you could put a big, colorful, or noisy keychain on your keyring, use a large, bright phone case and keep your phone ringer on, or put bright neon sticky notes on important papers.
  2. 2

    Attach a tracker to important items and use an app to locate them. If you want a higher-tech solution to keep track of important things, consider getting a Bluetooth tracking device. You'll hook a small tracker onto the item and connect it to a smartphone app that can tell you where it is at all times.[13]

    • Tracking devices with apps include Tile and TrackR.
    • If you tend to lose track of your smartphone, try an app like Find My iPhone. If you use an Android, go to in any web browser.
  3. 3

    Make a mental note every time you put down an important object. Every time you set down an important object, take an extra second to memorize where it is. Tell yourself out loud or in your head, "This is where I'm putting this object," and take in exactly how it looks. Creating this mental note will solidify the location of the object, making it much easier to remember where it is.[14]

    • This might seem annoying or effortful at first, but getting into the habit of doing it on a daily basis will make it easier and save a lot of time in the long run.
    • If you tend to forget to make mental notes, try to start right after you lose the object and find it again. This is when you'll be most motivated to keep better track of it!
    • This comes back to being more mindful on a daily basis. Being more present in the moment, and more aware of what you're doing, will make it easier to remember where you put things.
  4. 4

    Check for important objects before you leave a room or a car. Get into the habit of looking behind you when you get out of a car, especially if it's not your own. Give your desk or office a quick check before you head out to make sure you don't leave anything behind. This a great way to find things that may have slipped out of your hand or pocket on accident.[15]

  5. 5

    Keep your space neat and orderly to reduce the chances of losing something. Cluttered and crowded areas provide ample opportunities to lose objects—they can get stuck in messy corners, covered by other objects, or even tossed out by mistake. To avoid this, regularly tidy up any area where you spend a lot of time. This might seem time-consuming at first, but it'll allow you to save time and effort that you'd otherwise spend looking for lost items.[16]

    • Keep your house, room, office, car, or desk at school as neat as you can. These areas where you spend a lot of time tend to accumulate clutter, making it easy to lose objects there.


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  • Question

    How would I find something that my siblings took from me?

    Community Answer

    Check their room secretly. If you can't find it still, confront them and see if they will return it. You can also tell your parents about your suspicions too.

  • Question

    I lost my small earring but I found one of them. What should I do?

    Community Answer

    Keep the found one somewhere safe. Keep searching for the other one by retracing steps and using the suggestions in the article. It'll turn up eventually, just be sure to remember where you've put the found one.

  • Question

    I've lost my school planner and I don't know where it is. What should I do?

    Community Answer

    Check the most common places first, like classrooms, your desk and other places you might usually see it. Then, if you still can't find it, look in more uncommon areas, like bathrooms or closets. Don't panic, keep your mind clear and take deep breaths. It will probably turn up.

  • Question

    What do I do if I think someone stole my object?

    Community Answer

    Be sure to look thoroughly for it wherever you can, and if you know who stole it, try to get them to give it back. If you think it has been stolen from your home entirely, depending on how important the item is, you may need to call the police and insurance. However, refrain from this unless you have searched very thoroughly in as many places as possible.

  • Question

    I'm pretty sure I left my choker on the edge of my bed dresser, but I haven't seen it in weeks. Any advice?

    Community Answer

    Puzzling disappearances like this often end up trapped behind furniture; move the bed and dresser clear of the wall to get a good look. It could also be hidden under blankets or stuck down the side of the mattress.

  • Question

    How can I find an important piece of paper that I lost weeks ago from my table?

    Community Answer

    Try looking through all of your files and drawers, and check every single paper on your desk and those crumpled up papers in the trash.

  • Question

    I placed my book somewhere a couple of weeks ago and I think someone moved it. Where can I find it?

    Community Answer

    Ask your family or anyone who lives with you if they have seen it. Otherwise, check places you (or others) tend to keep books (bookshelf, end tables, your purse, etc.)

  • Question

    I lost my science textbook. How can I find it?

    Community Answer

    The most important thing is to stay calm. Look in your classroom in case you forgot it there, then at home in places you wouldn't normally look, like your cupboards. If you can't find it, explain to your teacher that you misplaced it.

  • Question

    My pair of diamond earrings are missing. I last had them I'm my dresser. They were in the box. Any advice on finding them?

    Community Answer

    Think of the colour of the box. Then scan all your rooms and for that colour, focusing on colour contrasts in the rooms. You could also ask anyone who might be likely to wear them if they borrowed them.

  • Question

    How do you find missing glasses?

    Community Answer

    If you can't see clearly and don't have a friend to help, try taking a photograph of the room and holding it up to your face to get a clear view. A flashlight will also help, since the glasses will shine when they reflect the beam. Many people lose their glasses when they fall asleep with them on, so check the bedclothes and down the side and back of couches.

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  • Make sure to completely pick over each area you search in. This will ensure that you don't have to waste time by re-checking the same locations.

  • Above all, don't panic. If you can stay calm, you'll be able to look for your item efficiently and systematically, which gives you a much better chance of finding it.

  • If you looked everywhere and thought about where it could be, but still can't find it? Ask someone for information and ask them if they saw it. Soon, you'll come to a conclusion!

  • If you recently cleaned and can't find the item, check in strange places you might have put it to store or use later.

  • Check where you think your object has the lowest probability of being found. Many times the object is hidden where you think it can't be and it is clearly visible that the object is not where you think it is.

  • If you can't find an object from school ask your teachers if they have seen it or try going to the school's lost and found.

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Article SummaryX

To find a lost object, stay calm and try to remember the last time you saw it. If you're feeling frustrated, try recruiting a friend or family member to help and turn the search into a game to make it more fun. After searching for some time, try taking a break from looking and doing something else. Taking some time to focus on something else might help you think of a new place to look. You could also put on some music and use your search as a chance to tidy up a bit. You just might stumble across whatever it is you are looking for. For examples of common areas where items get lost, like in a messy car or between your couch cushions, read on!

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how to find something you lost


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